We are proud Conservatives and the Coign credit card is America’s leading conservative credit card. What makes Coign different is our commitment to supporting conservative charities. The Coign credit card is a VISA credit card that donates a portion of every transaction you make to support Conservative charities.**
We’re proud to highlight our conservative charitable recipients below:
CarePortal is connecting technology that drives action for local children and families in crisis. The U.S. government spends over $30 billion on foster care annually⁷, yet a growing body of research shows that preventing foster care is more cost effective and produces healthier outcomes. With more children entering rather than exiting foster care each year, the need for radical change is more urgent than ever. That’s why we’ve taken action to help transform our disconnected, reactive, and expensive system in order to achieve a better social return on investment and healthy outcomes for families. To learn more go to, www.careportal.org.
CarePortal is connecting technology that drives action for local children and families in crisis. The U.S. government spends over $30 billion on foster care annually⁷, yet a growing body of research shows that preventing foster care is more cost effective and produces healthier outcomes. With more children entering rather than exiting foster care each year, the need for radical change is more urgent than ever. That’s why we’ve taken action to help transform our disconnected, reactive, and expensive system in order to achieve a better social return on investment and healthy outcomes for families. To learn more go to, www.careportal.org.
The Hudson Institute is a research organization promoting American leadership for a secure, free, and prosperous future. Founded in 1961 by strategist Herman Kahn, Hudson Institute challenges conventional thinking and helps manage strategic transitions through interdisciplinary studies in defense, international relations, economics, energy, technology, culture, and law. Hudson seeks to guide policymakers and global leaders in government and business through a robust program of publications, conferences, policy briefings, and recommendations. To learn more go to, www.hudson.org.
The Hudson Institute is a research organization promoting American leadership for a secure, free, and prosperous future. Founded in 1961 by strategist Herman Kahn, Hudson Institute challenges conventional thinking and helps manage strategic transitions through interdisciplinary studies in defense, international relations, economics, energy, technology, culture, and law. Hudson seeks to guide policymakers and global leaders in government and business through a robust program of publications, conferences, policy briefings, and recommendations. To learn more go to, www.hudson.org.
America First principles are now under attack like never before. Our security, our liberty, our sovereignty, and our most fundamental rights and values are being systematically dismantled by an unholy alliance of corrupt special interests, big tech titans, the fake news media, and liberal Washington politicians. America First Legal was founded to save our country from this coordinated campaign. They work to oppose the radical left’s anti-jobs, anti-freedom, anti-faith, anti-borders, anti-police, and anti-American crusade. To learn more go to, www.aflegal.org.
America First principles are now under attack like never before. Our security, our liberty, our sovereignty, and our most fundamental rights and values are being systematically dismantled by an unholy alliance of corrupt special interests, big tech titans, the fake news media, and liberal Washington politicians. America First Legal was founded to save our country from this coordinated campaign. They work to oppose the radical left’s anti-jobs, anti-freedom, anti-faith, anti-borders, anti-police, and anti-American crusade. To learn more go to, www.aflegal.org.
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. began in 2005 serving wounded military service members at Walter Reed Army Medical Center returning from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since then, PHW has expanded nationwide, establishing its highly successful program in Department of Defense hospitals, Warrior Transition Units, and Veterans Affairs Medical Centers and clinics.The success of Project Healing Waters starts and ends with individual local programs. These are truly our boots on the ground. Volunteer-led and activity-centric, the majority of the camaraderie, connectedness, and ultimately healing at the center of Project Healing Waters happens at the program level. Coign is specifically supporting the Leavenworth, KS chapter. Find out more about PHWFF at, https://projecthealingwaters.org/
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. began in 2005 serving wounded military service members at Walter Reed Army Medical Center returning from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since then, PHW has expanded nationwide, establishing its highly successful program in Department of Defense hospitals, Warrior Transition Units, and Veterans Affairs Medical Centers and clinics.The success of Project Healing Waters starts and ends with individual local programs. These are truly our boots on the ground. Volunteer-led and activity-centric, the majority of the camaraderie, connectedness, and ultimately healing at the center of Project Healing Waters happens at the program level. Coign is specifically supporting the Leavenworth, KS chapter. Find out more about PHWFF at, https://projecthealingwaters.org/
As the first national nonprofit devoted exclusively to preventing military suicide, SSS is a critical lifeline our military community needs. Their team of licensed mental healthcare professionals provide free, personalized, confidential clinical care to Veterans and Service Members who are at the greatest risk of dying by suicide. Veterans are dying by suicide at an unprecedented rate, and today, they face a 72% higher suicide rate than any other American. SSS was built to change that trajectory and work tirelessly to decrease the military suicide rate by 40% no later than 2030, striving for a future where no Veteran is at any greater risk of dying by suicide than any other American. If you’re a veteran or service member struggling and in need of support, please don’t hesitate to reach out—help is just a call away at 984-207-1513. You are not alone, and SSS is here for you.
To learn more about “Stop Soldier Suicide” go to, https://stopsoldiersuicide.org/
As the first national nonprofit devoted exclusively to preventing military suicide, SSS is a critical lifeline our military community needs. Their team of licensed mental healthcare professionals provide free, personalized, confidential clinical care to Veterans and Service Members who are at the greatest risk of dying by suicide. Veterans are dying by suicide at an unprecedented rate, and today, they face a 72% higher suicide rate than any other American. SSS was built to change that trajectory and work tirelessly to decrease the military suicide rate by 40% no later than 2030, striving for a future where no Veteran is at any greater risk of dying by suicide than any other American. If you’re a veteran or service member struggling and in need of support, please don’t hesitate to reach out—help is just a call away at 984-207-1513. You are not alone, and SSS is here for you.
To learn more about “Stop Soldier Suicide” go to, https://stopsoldiersuicide.org/
Turning Point USA’s mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government. Through powerful events, educational resources and a strong social media presence, Turning Point USA empowers the next generation to stand up for conservative values and fight for the future of our country. Learn more about them here.
Turning Point USA’s mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government. Through powerful events, educational resources and a strong social media presence, Turning Point USA empowers the next generation to stand up for conservative values and fight for the future of our country. Learn more about them here.
Rescue 22 Foundation is committed to addressing the mental and physical health of our nation’s veterans with service-connected disabilities. They specialize in providing service dogs to those with medically complex cases. They say what sets them apart is their commitment to rescuing and rehabilitating dogs, giving them a new purpose and a chance to make a profound impact on a veteran’s life.
Rescue 22 Foundation is committed to addressing the mental and physical health of our nation’s veterans with service-connected disabilities. They specialize in providing service dogs to those with medically complex cases. They say what sets them apart is their commitment to rescuing and rehabilitating dogs, giving them a new purpose and a chance to make a profound impact on a veteran’s life.
Founded by Dr. Ben Carson, ACI embodies the principles conservatives hold dear: faith, liberty, community and life. Learn more at americancornerstone.org.
Founded by Dr. Ben Carson, ACI embodies the principles conservatives hold dear: faith, liberty, community and life. Learn more at americancornerstone.org.
ADF is one of the nation’s most respected and successfulUnited States Supreme Court advocates. Since 2011, ADF has represented parties in 15 victories at the Supreme Court. These victories have been on behalf of pastors, churches, religious organizations, college students, family-owned businesses, pro-life pregnancy centers, and many others. Learn more about their work at, https://adflegal.org/.
ADF is one of the nation’s most respected and successfulUnited States Supreme Court advocates. Since 2011, ADF has represented parties in 15 victories at the Supreme Court. These victories have been on behalf of pastors, churches, religious organizations, college students, family-owned businesses, pro-life pregnancy centers, and many others. Learn more about their work at, https://adflegal.org/.
Children of Fallen Patriots’ mission is to provide college scholarships and educational counseling to military children who have lost a parent in the line of duty. According to their own research, nearly 25,000 dependents have been left behind by troops who have fallen in the line of duty over the past 35 years. Many surviving families struggle to make ends meet with 53% of surviving spouses making less than $50,000 per year.
With no central repository of information from which to find these children, the organization works to find each and every one of these children to assist them in their growing success.
Children of Fallen Patriots’ mission is to provide college scholarships and educational counseling to military children who have lost a parent in the line of duty. According to their own research, nearly 25,000 dependents have been left behind by troops who have fallen in the line of duty over the past 35 years. Many surviving families struggle to make ends meet with 53% of surviving spouses making less than $50,000 per year.
With no central repository of information from which to find these children, the organization works to find each and every one of these children to assist them in their growing success.
The Leadership Institute teaches conservatives of all ages how to succeed in politics, government, and the media by offering training in campaigns, fundraising, grassroots organizing, youth politics, and communications. Since 1979, LI has trained more than 250,000 conservative activists, leaders, and students. The Institute doesn't analyze policy; it teaches conservative Americans how to influence policy through direct participation, activism, and leadership. To learn more about The Leadership Institute click here.
The Leadership Institute teaches conservatives of all ages how to succeed in politics, government, and the media by offering training in campaigns, fundraising, grassroots organizing, youth politics, and communications. Since 1979, LI has trained more than 250,000 conservative activists, leaders, and students. The Institute doesn't analyze policy; it teaches conservative Americans how to influence policy through direct participation, activism, and leadership. To learn more about The Leadership Institute click here.
Mercy Chefs serves individuals and families affected by natural disasters, including delivering daily meals and holiday meals to those impacted by the most recent hurricanes in North Carolina. They do this through rapid deployment of mobile kitchens, providing chef-prepared, nutritious meals in partnership with local emergency services, community organizations, and faith-based groups. Mercy Chefs also extends support to first responders and emergency workers, ensuring nourishment reaches all those impacted by both immediate crises and ongoing food insecurity.
To learn more about Mercy Chefs go to, https://mercychefs.com/
Mercy Chefs serves individuals and families affected by natural disasters, including delivering daily meals and holiday meals to those impacted by the most recent hurricanes in North Carolina. They do this through rapid deployment of mobile kitchens, providing chef-prepared, nutritious meals in partnership with local emergency services, community organizations, and faith-based groups. Mercy Chefs also extends support to first responders and emergency workers, ensuring nourishment reaches all those impacted by both immediate crises and ongoing food insecurity.
To learn more about Mercy Chefs go to, https://mercychefs.com/
The Bill of Rights Institute (BRI) in 1999 after its founder noticed that many high school teachers had inadequate resources to develop educational materials on the principles, institutions, and ideas upon which the United States was founded.
BRI is a nonprofit educational organization that develops educational resources on American history and government, provides professional development opportunities to teachers, and runs student programs and scholarship contests.
To learn more about the Bill of Rights Institute go to, https://billofrightsinstitute.org/
The Bill of Rights Institute (BRI) in 1999 after its founder noticed that many high school teachers had inadequate resources to develop educational materials on the principles, institutions, and ideas upon which the United States was founded.
BRI is a nonprofit educational organization that develops educational resources on American history and government, provides professional development opportunities to teachers, and runs student programs and scholarship contests.
To learn more about the Bill of Rights Institute go to, https://billofrightsinstitute.org/
Mercury One is a 501(c)(3) charity that was founded in 2011 by media personality, entrepreneur, and New York Times best-selling author Glenn Beck. It was created to inspire the world in the same way the United States’ space program shaped America’s national destiny by setting a goal and committing to reach it against all odds. The only limitations to achievement are those we place on ourselves, and we believe in the goodness and power of the individual to overcome any obstacle.
To learn more about Mercury One go to, https://mercuryone.org/
Mercury One is a 501(c)(3) charity that was founded in 2011 by media personality, entrepreneur, and New York Times best-selling author Glenn Beck. It was created to inspire the world in the same way the United States’ space program shaped America’s national destiny by setting a goal and committing to reach it against all odds. The only limitations to achievement are those we place on ourselves, and we believe in the goodness and power of the individual to overcome any obstacle.
To learn more about Mercury One go to, https://mercuryone.org/
Tina Pattinson founded Hunt of a Lifetime in 1999, after her stepson, Matt, was diagnosed with a terminal childhood cancer. She contacted every wish-granting organization she could find, but none were willing to fulfill Matt's wish: to hunt moose with his father. For 25 years, Hunt of a Lifetime has been granting hunting and fishing wishes for children age 21 and under, who have been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses or life-threatening disabilities.
Tina Pattinson founded Hunt of a Lifetime in 1999, after her stepson, Matt, was diagnosed with a terminal childhood cancer. She contacted every wish-granting organization she could find, but none were willing to fulfill Matt's wish: to hunt moose with his father. For 25 years, Hunt of a Lifetime has been granting hunting and fishing wishes for children age 21 and under, who have been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses or life-threatening disabilities.
Tim Tebow is a Heisman Trophy Winner, first-round NFL Draft pick, a respected football analyst and the founder of The Tim Tebow Foundation (TTF). This organization seeks to serve the most vulnerable among us through Faith, Hope and Love. Their programs focus on Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation, Orphan Care and Prevention, Profound Medical Needs, and Special Needs Ministry. Learn more about TTF work here: https://timtebowfoundation.org/.
Tim Tebow is a Heisman Trophy Winner, first-round NFL Draft pick, a respected football analyst and the founder of The Tim Tebow Foundation (TTF). This organization seeks to serve the most vulnerable among us through Faith, Hope and Love. Their programs focus on Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation, Orphan Care and Prevention, Profound Medical Needs, and Special Needs Ministry. Learn more about TTF work here: https://timtebowfoundation.org/.
JCNF’s mission is to protect Main Street and the 90 million people who depend on the success of small businesses. JCNF provides business leaders and entrepreneurs with the tools to become the voice of free enterprise in the media, in Congress, in state capitals, in their communities, and their workplaces‚ allowing them to hold politicians accountable to job creators and their employees. Learn more about them here.
JCNF’s mission is to protect Main Street and the 90 million people who depend on the success of small businesses. JCNF provides business leaders and entrepreneurs with the tools to become the voice of free enterprise in the media, in Congress, in state capitals, in their communities, and their workplaces‚ allowing them to hold politicians accountable to job creators and their employees. Learn more about them here.
Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center is a Faith based 501(c)3 non-profit organization offering help and support to women, men and their families who are in a crisis pregnancy. Our goal is to provide compassionate care as well as complete, accurate information pertaining to pregnancy and pregnancy options.
Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center is a Faith based 501(c)3 non-profit organization offering help and support to women, men and their families who are in a crisis pregnancy. Our goal is to provide compassionate care as well as complete, accurate information pertaining to pregnancy and pregnancy options.
Young America’s Foundation is the leading organization for young conservatives. With more than 60 years of history and contacts on more than 2,000 campuses, they help students find support, promote conservative views and take action.
Young America’s Foundation is the leading organization for young conservatives. With more than 60 years of history and contacts on more than 2,000 campuses, they help students find support, promote conservative views and take action.
The Cloisters on the Platte is a retreat center for people of any faith who want to step away from the the noise of everyday life for a few days, quiet their hearts and minds, and draw closer to their spiritual life.
The Cloisters on the Platte is a retreat center for people of any faith who want to step away from the the noise of everyday life for a few days, quiet their hearts and minds, and draw closer to their spiritual life.
The Center for the Rights of Abused Children is fighting to protect our nation's most vulnerable children. Because of this organization, more than 650,000 children are living better, brighter, healthier lives. Visit their website at thecenterforchildren.org for more information.
The Center for the Rights of Abused Children is fighting to protect our nation's most vulnerable children. Because of this organization, more than 650,000 children are living better, brighter, healthier lives. Visit their website at thecenterforchildren.org for more information.
The APPF is defending parental rights, keeping children safe on the internet and protecting innocent human life. Their team organizes families to defend themselves from political and cultural attacks from the radical Left.
The APPF is defending parental rights, keeping children safe on the internet and protecting innocent human life. Their team organizes families to defend themselves from political and cultural attacks from the radical Left.
Since their founding, OSC has provided more than $16.5 million in financial assistance to service members and their families. That money has kept thousands of veterans and their families in their homes, kept their utilities on, provided grocery money, paid for medical equipment not covered by insurance and funded scholarships.
Additionally, OSC owns Heroes Ridge, a retreat where they host struggling or lost veterans seeking comfort and hope.
Since their founding, OSC has provided more than $16.5 million in financial assistance to service members and their families. That money has kept thousands of veterans and their families in their homes, kept their utilities on, provided grocery money, paid for medical equipment not covered by insurance and funded scholarships.
Additionally, OSC owns Heroes Ridge, a retreat where they host struggling or lost veterans seeking comfort and hope.
Forge's Leadership Summit and Mentorship Academy trains and mentors conservative students and young professionals, ages 18-25, wanting to lead in politics, culture, and business. Learn more about their work at, https://forgeleadership.org/.
Forge's Leadership Summit and Mentorship Academy trains and mentors conservative students and young professionals, ages 18-25, wanting to lead in politics, culture, and business. Learn more about their work at, https://forgeleadership.org/.
For fifty years, Heritage’s mission has been to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. Learn more about their work at, https://www.heritage.org/.
For fifty years, Heritage’s mission has been to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. Learn more about their work at, https://www.heritage.org/.
The JJMF is a nonprofit organization solely dedicated to providing relief and assistance to families with children who have rare and undiagnosed neurological conditions. They provide needed resources, services, and connections to help make their lives and paths easier. Learn more about their work at, https://junejessee.org/.
The JJMF is a nonprofit organization solely dedicated to providing relief and assistance to families with children who have rare and undiagnosed neurological conditions. They provide needed resources, services, and connections to help make their lives and paths easier. Learn more about their work at, https://junejessee.org/.
“The Life House” organization works to provide fellowship, job-skills training and rehab to men and women recently released from prison. A social media post searching for workers, including those who were in need of a “second or fiftieth chance” sparked a life altering journey for an Alabama couple and in turn has given hope and opportunity to hundreds of men and women. The Life House’s mission is to “partner with the community to change the world by teaching men and women to ‘Live In Freedom Everyday’.”
They address three core issues facing our country right now: The opioid addiction problem, rate at which men are returning to prison and the workforce need in our country. Learn more about The Life House’s work here.
“The Life House” organization works to provide fellowship, job-skills training and rehab to men and women recently released from prison. A social media post searching for workers, including those who were in need of a “second or fiftieth chance” sparked a life altering journey for an Alabama couple and in turn has given hope and opportunity to hundreds of men and women. The Life House’s mission is to “partner with the community to change the world by teaching men and women to ‘Live In Freedom Everyday’.”
They address three core issues facing our country right now: The opioid addiction problem, rate at which men are returning to prison and the workforce need in our country. Learn more about The Life House’s work here.
Homeschooling has experienced a surge of interest since the onset of the covid-19 pandemic. The Household Pulse Survey, published by the U.S. Census Bureau, reports that 5.4% of American kids are currently homeschooled. This is compared to just 2.8% in 2019. The reasons for the increase are varied, from families wanting more flexibility to parents wanting to have more control over what their children are learning. Portals Academy's mission is to offer families, "an affordable and quality private Christian education right in their own community where no student is turned away because of finances."
Homeschooling has experienced a surge of interest since the onset of the covid-19 pandemic. The Household Pulse Survey, published by the U.S. Census Bureau, reports that 5.4% of American kids are currently homeschooled. This is compared to just 2.8% in 2019. The reasons for the increase are varied, from families wanting more flexibility to parents wanting to have more control over what their children are learning. Portals Academy's mission is to offer families, "an affordable and quality private Christian education right in their own community where no student is turned away because of finances."
The Educational Liberty Alliance (ELA), specifically, their new initiative, "Terra Firma” is building a national network of parents and educators to "support freedom of thought and expression" in schools. The ELA is also leading the charge for transparency in schools, because parents have a right to know what their children are learning.
When schools aren't honest and transparent, the ELA helps parents push back. They offer critical resources that empower parents and open-minded teachers to fight back against indoctrination and unethical administrators and officials. The ELA also offers curricular materials that educate students on the importance of free speech and expression.
The Educational Liberty Alliance (ELA), specifically, their new initiative, "Terra Firma” is building a national network of parents and educators to "support freedom of thought and expression" in schools. The ELA is also leading the charge for transparency in schools, because parents have a right to know what their children are learning.
When schools aren't honest and transparent, the ELA helps parents push back. They offer critical resources that empower parents and open-minded teachers to fight back against indoctrination and unethical administrators and officials. The ELA also offers curricular materials that educate students on the importance of free speech and expression.
The Honor Flight Network is a national nonprofit organization comprised of independent hubs working together to give our nation’s veterans the opportunity to visit their memorials in Washington, D.C.
Since its founding in 2005, the Honor Flight Network has given more than 260,000 veterans the opportunity to visit their respective memorials, share this momentous occasion with other comrades, remember the fallen, and share their stories and experiences with other veterans. Honored veterans always travel free of charge, thanks to generous donations to the organization. To learn more about Honor Flight Network, click here.
The Honor Flight Network is a national nonprofit organization comprised of independent hubs working together to give our nation’s veterans the opportunity to visit their memorials in Washington, D.C.
Since its founding in 2005, the Honor Flight Network has given more than 260,000 veterans the opportunity to visit their respective memorials, share this momentous occasion with other comrades, remember the fallen, and share their stories and experiences with other veterans. Honored veterans always travel free of charge, thanks to generous donations to the organization. To learn more about Honor Flight Network, click here.
Every 1 Can Work was created to provide permanent employment opportunities for young adults living with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Over 84% of young adults with cognitive disabilities are unemployed, but not unemployable – there is a big difference. A job means much more than just a paycheck; it means self-esteem and a purpose in life. Through their 'Cameron’s Coffee and Chocolates' shop, they teach work and life skills through an engaging, team oriented environment. To learn more about Every1 CanWork, click here.
Every 1 Can Work was created to provide permanent employment opportunities for young adults living with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Over 84% of young adults with cognitive disabilities are unemployed, but not unemployable – there is a big difference. A job means much more than just a paycheck; it means self-esteem and a purpose in life. Through their 'Cameron’s Coffee and Chocolates' shop, they teach work and life skills through an engaging, team oriented environment. To learn more about Every1 CanWork, click here.
Independent Women’s Forum's mission is to engage and inform women about the impact of policy issues on them and their loved ones. Currently, their team is on the front lines of one of our country’s most prominent debates. They have emerged as the leading voice and advocate in the fight for women’s rightful place in sports, schools, the workplace and our culture. They don’t just stand up for women, they unapologetically celebrate them and work to ensure that the activist Left cannot erase them or downgrade their accomplishments.
Independent Women’s Forum's mission is to engage and inform women about the impact of policy issues on them and their loved ones. Currently, their team is on the front lines of one of our country’s most prominent debates. They have emerged as the leading voice and advocate in the fight for women’s rightful place in sports, schools, the workplace and our culture. They don’t just stand up for women, they unapologetically celebrate them and work to ensure that the activist Left cannot erase them or downgrade their accomplishments.
At Becket we know that religious liberty is a human right. Religion is a force for good in society as well as an important buffer between government power and the individual. With an unmatched, undefeated win record at the Supreme Court, Becket defends religious freedom for all.
At Becket we know that religious liberty is a human right. Religion is a force for good in society as well as an important buffer between government power and the individual. With an unmatched, undefeated win record at the Supreme Court, Becket defends religious freedom for all.
The Manhattan Institute is a community of scholars, journalists, activists, and civic leaders committed to advancing economic opportunity, individual liberty, and the rule of law in America and its great cities.
The Manhattan Institute is a community of scholars, journalists, activists, and civic leaders committed to advancing economic opportunity, individual liberty, and the rule of law in America and its great cities.